About Me

Washington, DC, United States
I have been, among other things, a bookshop owner, counterintelligence agent, writer, art critic, and grad student (literature and art). One of my blogs includes some examples of my art writing, from the past decade, with some new pieces forthcoming. But my most frequent new posts are to my crime fiction blog, International Noir Fiction.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Interventions and Provocations

© Glenn Harper
A draft for an introduction to the volume of interviews published as Interventions and Provocations: Conversations on Art, Culture, and Resistance, State University of New York, 1998. The published intro is quite different.

A number of artists have over the past two decades embraced a new relation to everyday life and public space. The work of these artists is political in its intentions or consequences, but they have adopted a different position with regard to political action than was the case with the historical avant-gardes in the first half of the 20th century. The political interventions and social provocations exemplified by the artists in this collection of interviews demonstrate an attitude toward art and form that can be characterized as "tactical," adopting a term used by Michel de Certeau, or "postutopian," a term used by Boris Groys to describe the unofficial art of the late Soviet Union.

To continue reading this essay at artdesigncafe.com, click Interventions and provocations. Click the following link to see the overview of writings by Glenn Harper at artdesigncafe.com.

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